Taking Away the Fear and Anxiety from Your Dental Visit with Conscious Sedation
Most people either know someone or are someone that have had bad experiences with their dentist or just simply are afraid of any pain that may occur. Sometimes this leads to high anxiety for many that can make them avoid regular dental care because of anxiety and fear. However with Conscious Sedation you will be able to be in a comfortable and relaxed state of mind.
Conscious Sedation Dentistry is administered by simply taking a pill, no need to worry if your body will act funny, because all body functions will remain completely normal. Advantages to conscious sedation is that the pill is easy to administer, it’s safe and easy to monitor, and works well for most people and it can be given at a low cost.
Also unlike anesthesia where a patient is completely unconscious, under conscious sedation are able to respond to commands or questions. With conscious sedation there is no real reason why you should not take care of your dental health and see your dentist regularly. Talk to your dentist about conscious sedation and see if this is a good choice for you